International Conference Of Machine Intelligence And Computer Science Applications
Hybrid Conference
to ICMICSA 2022
2022Published BOOK
- Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389
- Print ISSN: 2367-3370
- H-Index: 36
- SRJ: 0.171/Q4
- Abstracted and indexed in: SCOPUS, DBLP, EI Compendex, SCImago, WTI AG amd zbMATH
Aim and Objective:
International Conference on machine intelligence and computer science applications (ICMICSA’2022) is a forum for presenting and sharing new ideas and new research, advance theories in the fields of machine intelligence and computing applications. The conference will provide a platform to disseminate knowledge and results in the theory, methodology and applications of machine intelligence and computer science applications. Authors are invited to contribute to the conference by submitting papers illustrating research results, projects, survey work, and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in machine vision, computer science, AI, Big Data, and many other computing-related applications.
Expected Outcome & Benefits:
The conference proceedings will be of great value to the participants. At this conference, academics, industry experts, postgraduate students and researchers will have the opportunity to interact with prominent people in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence. The topics that will be covered in this international conference are wide-ranging and will help develop and understand new developments and emerging trends in this field. The interaction between the participants and the experts presenting their experiences and expertise will be fruitful and objective, especially for professors and students. The presence of eminent national and international researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and computer science on a single platform will contribute to the development of networks to be useful in solving interdisciplinary research problems.
- - Big Data & Business Intelligence
- - Web and Internet Computing
- - Data Mining
- - Pattern recognition and machine learning
- - Information extraction and retrieval
- - Speech and language processing
- - Databases and information systems
- - Distributed and parallel systems
- - Natural Language Processing
- - Artificial intelligence
- - Computer vision
- -Algorithms and data structures
- - Computer Architecture and Real time Systems
- - Computer graphics and visualization
- - Computer security and cryptography
- - Web and Internet Computing
- -Algorithms and Bioinformatics
- -Programming Languages
event schedule
Monday 28-11-2022
Morning | |||
9h00 | Welcoming participants | ||
9h30 |
Moderator: I. Hafidi, ENSA-Khouribga, USMS, Morocco - Nabil HMINA: President of Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Béni Mellal, Morocco - Mohammed SAJIEDDINE: Director of ENSA-Khouribga, USMS, Morocco - Noureddine ABOUTABIT (ENSA-Khouribga): ICMICSA'22 Organizing Committee |
10h30-11h00 | Coffee Break | ||
11h00-12h |
Plenary Conference: S. Goundar (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) Moderator: H. Khalfi |
12h30-14h30 | Lunch Break | ||
Afternoon | |||
14h35-17h30 | Session 1: Presentations in person Moderator: N. Aboutabit |
Session 2: Presentations in person Moderators: A. Metrane, M. Nachaoui |
Session 3: Presentations online Moderators: N. Lamghari, H. Khalfi, Y. Roch |
- Rachid Ait Hassou - Youssef Charif-Alaoui - Dounia Chrij - Munleef Bhat - Nazif Tchagafo |
- Imad Lakouam - Zakaria Soufiane Hafdi - Youssef Lahdoudi - Meryem Barik - Hind Ait Mait - Hiba Tabbaa - Ennaji Fatima Zohra - El Kabtane Hamada |
- Hamza Jdi - Mohamed Rida Sahib - Boutayna Bentahra - Khalid El Moutaouakil - Zakaria Alj - Mohamed Hassan Oukhouya - Mohamed Dahbali - Zineb El M'Hamdi - Yassin Eljakani - Hind Mikram |
Tuesday 29-11-2022
Morning | |||
9h30 |
Plenary Conference: M. Quafafou (Aix-Marseille University) Moderator: A. Metrane |
10h30-11h00 | Coffee Break | ||
11h00-12h |
Plenary Conference: M. Nachaoui (Sultan Moulay Slimane University) Moderator: I. Hafidi |
12h30-14h30 | Lunch Break | ||
Afternoon | |||
14h35-17h30 | Session 1: Presentations in person Moderator: S. El Kafhali |
Session 2: Presentations in person Moderators: M. Lazaar, A. Ghazdali |
Session 3: Presentations online Moderators: N. Lamghari, H. Khalfi, Y. Rochd |
- Mohamed Ijikki - Yousra Fadili - Othmane Dergaoui - Nabil Nissar - Heba Fadhil |
- Bouchra Bendahane - Issam Lakouam - Zakaria El Khadiri - Jabrane Mourad - Siham Ahmam - Ihssane Bouhanou - Abdelghafour BENOUALY - Zakaria Khoudi - Hind Hafsi |
- Zineb Skalli Houssaini - Hoda El Boussaki - Chaimae Taoussi - Imad Jamaleddyn - Boutayeb Wiam - Mouad Jbel - Salma Belkarkor - Siham El Bahy - Maryam Knouzi - Hajar Boualamia - Said El Hachemy |
Honorary Chair

President of Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Director of ENSA-Khouribga

Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Noureddine ABOUTABIT
Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Publication Chairs

Hassan Premier University

Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Technical Programme Chairs

Yassir ROCHD
Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Nassima SOUSSI
Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Publicity & Communications Chairs

Abdelmotalib METRANE
Sultan Moulay Slimane University

Abdelghani GHAZDALI
Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Scientific Committee

- BAHAJ Mohamed ( Hassan 1st University, FST-Settat, Morocco )
- BAKO Laurent ( École Centrale de Lyon, France)
- CHKOURI Mohamed Yassin, ( Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco)
- DRIRA Khalil ( French National Centre for Scientific Research, France)
- GOUNDAR Sam ( Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
- HABTI Abeida ( Taif University, Electrical Engineering, Saudi Arabia)
- HAQIQ Abdelkrim (Hassan 1st University, FST-Settat, Morocco )
- HASSAN Hassan ( Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems - University of Toulouse, France)
- HASSANIEN Aboul Ella ( Caio University, Egypt)
- J. Moy Chatterjee ( Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Napal)
- LARHLIMI Abdelhalim ( Nantes University, France)
- QUAFAFOU Mohamed ( Aix-Marseille University, France)
- SALAH Khaled ( Khalifa University of Sciences and Technology, UAE)
- SURYA Prasath ( Cincinnati University, USA)
Organization Committee
- IMAD HAFIDI ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- SAID EL KAFHALI, ( Hassan Premier University, FST Settat, Morocco )
- YASSIR ROCHD, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- NASSIMA SOUSSI, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- ABDELGHANI GHAZDALI, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- BOUCHRA BOUIHI, ( Hassan 2 University, ENSET Mohammedia, Morocco )
- NOUREDDINE ABOUTABIT, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- HAMZA KHALFI, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- NIDAL LAMGHARI, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- ABDELMOTALIB METRANE, ( Sultan Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco )
- HAJAR KHALLOUKI ( Lakehead University, Software Engineering Department,Canada )
Invited speakers
- GOUNDAR Sam ( Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand )
- Mohamed Quafafou ( Aix-Marseille University )
- Mourad Nachaoui ( Aix-Marseille University )
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